Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hit and Run ala Chicago

The poster for our FINISHED thesis film! (to be posted after its May 2nd premiere)

Another collaboration between myself and the talented Mr. Marino.


Tyler Hunter said...

That's brilliant, man. A work of art in and of itself.

So what's the theme for the posters this year?

Liron Topaz said...


Greg said...

Thanks you guys. The theme this year is Academy Award Nominees, so there was a lot of good stuff to choose from. I've been seeing a lot of cool posters from this year's seniors so far.

Chris Nabholz said...

nice job, models look really well done. send me an email once its online.

Betsy Bauer said...


Garlicandy said...

Looks beautiful! love ur work.

sebastian meyer said...

Freakin' solid 3d work!

~chi said...

oh man! Is it bad that I kind of want this as a real poster? because I kind of want this as a real poster.
Wish I could be there for the senior show but alas, being cross-country sort of hinders those plans. Can't wait to see this online! :D

Drewbird said...

Love your work, but oh hey, are you or were you a student at Ringling? My cousin is starting there in the Fall.

frozenfoxfire said...

I'd love to see this sometime! It looks fascinating!

Heroine said...

I love your blog, your work is amezing !