Monday, November 23, 2009

A Team Fortress 2 Halloween

This year my good friend Ryan Rasmussen and I decided to theme our Halloween costumes after characters from one of our favorite video games, Team Fortress 2. That's me in the Soldier getup and Ryan went as the Medic. Most of the costume elements were made from scratch, we paid particular attention to the weapons and gear since we wanted them to be really accurate. We made a spectacular mess of the apartment over the several weeks that we spent making these things...all worth it, of course!

Very special thanks to our photographer Alex Tkatcheva for making us look so good in these photos!


Kristin said...

greg you are amazing!! hahahaha those are so good, you really look like the soldier, that is hillarious

Kelly Tudor said...

AMAZING! wow lol these are so awesome! you look so much like the soldier it's ridiculous. sweeeet man lol

-------- said...

They both look awesome!!!!

Louise Smythe said...

haha this is so cool! so legit. love your work, greg!

Unsolved Mystery said...
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Anonymous said...

Wonderful costume great theme. and very comic bookish.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

:)...really nice..:)

JaimeRamirezArt said...

Hi Greg, hope you are doing well. Awesome work on the costumes :) I also wanted to let you know that I changed my blog address to , so you could update the link. Thanks!

Kumar said...

Amazing arts are here ...

you are really a artist...


Unknown said...

ha ha awesome photos!very well done

Jason Scheier said...

you guys pwn!

Unknown said...

no kiddin
thought it was anime

but went through post, i figured it out it was normal people
nic kept it u[p

Shirker Draconian said...

Watch out there's a spy!! Hilaroius.

Unknown said...

Absolutely incredible, beautiful work on the weapons.

Unknown said...


Luke McKinney said...

This is really top-notch material, well done to both of you. The little details are what make it, and me one moment ago may be the first time in history someone has happily said "Wow, look at those grenades!"

Andrew Chan said...

Hey found your blog from...

then I realized u're a 3d artist as well! I was wondering if I could contract you via email?

My contact is =)

Unknown said...


Nice work ?!
Is there a way to get these pictures on high-res or at least wallpaper res, like 1920x1200 ?
Thank you !


Kt Shy said...

These costumes rock! :D You've got a fantastic blog, I came for the victorian Star Wars, stayed for all the other great work :)

Unknown said...
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jelly beans said...

wow this is really cool!
check out my blog:

ffxiv said...
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Rafael Avendano said...

Awesome work! I like the shots!

Unknown said...

I just love reading this blogs & articles. It is very interesting.


shadowreaper34 said...
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Get Callaghan said...

grand job there.

Anonymous said...
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cagriuysal said...

nice blog

Unknown said...

I must say, I completely ADORE those costumes, they are some of the best TF2 costumes I've ever seen. The place where you took photos really makes everything even more awesome than it is already.

Indecisive said...

How did you make the Grenades and the Rocket launcher?

Anna said...
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Unknown said...

yoou awesome! marry me!

Génesis Finol said...

Hola, soy de venezuela y... por dios, eres el soldado mas perfecto que he visto.
Literalmente, me encanto. Muy buen traje, la actitud me encanto!

Muy bueno... ah, demasiado!
Adoro el juego y aspiro hacer una version femenina de soldado... y, ay dios, no se como hare viendo cosas tan perfectas como tu traje!